• Privacy Policy
  • Anti-Bribery Policy
  • Acceptable Use of Computers Internet & Email Policy
  • Social Procurement & Community Engagement Policy
  • Disciplinary Policy
  • Gender Equity Policy
  • Equal Opportunity Policy
  • Harassment Policy
  • Environmental Policy
  • Environmental Sustainability Policy
  • Industrial Relations Policy
  • Quality Assurance Policy
  • Family Violence Policy
  • Modern Slavery Policy
  • Workplace Health & Safety Policy
  • Safety Management Plan
  • Environmental Management Plan
  • Quality Management Plan
  • Industrial Relations Management Plan
  • Subcontractor Management Plan

Copies of these policies may be requested by contacting us.

Workplace Health & Safety and Environmental Management

Workplace Health & Safety and Environmental Management are a significant focus of the Director and staff.  With the assistance of our OH&S Consultant, Elliott Safety, we are now certified by Global Mark for Occupational Health & Safety to AS-NZS ISO 45001-2018 and Environmental Management to AS/NZS ISO 14001-2016.

As a construction company, Neo Construct is highly aware of the inherent dangers and environmental concerns that can exist on any construction worksite and, therefore, we are constantly vigilant and ready to act to minimise or eliminate any issues that could arise. We are committed to providing safe worksites for our employees and sub-contractors and to operate every worksite, and indeed the company as a whole, in full compliance with the regulations of the Victorian Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004.

To guarantee compliance with these standards we have introduced Hammertech™, an online platform for management of all our WH&S and EM requirements. This system provides a site registration portal, access to view permits, the Hazardous Materials SDS and PPE required for each of Neo Construct’s worksites. The system also provides real-time data from site logs to enable monitoring of day to day activities and achievements. The real-time data is also particularly useful in the current COVID-19 climate, allowing us to provide contact tracing from our sites should it be required.

Neo Construct also takes very seriously its obligations in relation to protection of the environment. We firmly believe that the strongest way we can act on that obligation is to have clear and appropriate procedures, processes and control measures in place to manage any worksite practices which have the potential to damage the environment.

The team at Neo Construct is committed to provide a safe and inclusive workplace for every person attending a Neo Construct project. We are proud of the achievements of our staff in managing all aspects of our WH&S and EM plan.

Our policies reflect the position of the Director and Shareholders to ensure we are up to date with changes in legislation, and that we are legally and socially relevant in all aspects of our business and community dealings.